We have always been close to the people who need a gesture from us.
That is why Veroniki Holding Group donates to non-profit organizations, children’s associations, cultural associations, religious and missionary congregations, hospitals, and research organizations.
Below is the list of institutions with which we have had the pleasure of collaborating over the past 20 years.
Veroniki Holding Group’s donations over the past 20 years.

Zaccaria Institute, Zaccharis Onlus – Christmas 2019
Charity Christmas at Caritas Ambrosiana.

Asociatia persoanelor cu deficiente locomotorii, Bucuresti
An organization that helps people with locomotor deficits.

Humanitarian and Social field
Congregazione Benedettina delle Suore Riparatrici del Santo Volto di Nostro Signore Gesù Cristo, Rome
Individual and Christian education of children – especially the most needy -, teenagers and young people; spiritual and socio-sanitary assistance to the sick, the elderly and the people with disabilities.

Humanitarian and Social field
Asociatia de dezvoltare umanitara “Taina Milei”, Negresti Vaslui
Humanitarian and Social Aid Association.

Humanitarian and Social field
Asociatia Sportiva “Amicii”, Copsa Mica Sibiu
Sports association; donations for sports activities and administrative costs.

Humanitarian and Social field
Associazione Amici del Padre Ildebrando Gregori Onlus, Rome
Volunteering organization for people living in severe social exclusion.

Humanitarian and Social field
Progresio Osorhei, fondazione per la minoranza magiara in Romania
Main activity: economy, local, and community development.
Secondary activity: social care.

Asociatia Cultural Artistica “Best Art”
Kathy Kelly concert.

Asociatia “Transilvania Arts”, Brasov
Organization and promotion of cultural events.